Driftwood | Chain | Electrical Cord | Copper | 60”x 60” x 24”

Akimbo can be defined as “having limbs haphazardly splayed at angles out from the body”.  

This piece embodies the conflict I have felt as a woman who often feels free, open, and strong with a history of being oppressed, victimized, and held down.   Growing up I was unabashed by my sexuality but began to use it as a weapon and a shield of protection as insecurity crept in.  This piece says, “ HERE I am and THIS is my vagina! And there, THERE you are trying to penetrate me, after you have disabled me with your chains and hooks. You have  tied me down so I wouldn’t be quite so fabulous in the face of your small dick personality.  But look at me.  Just Look. At. Me.”